Four And Three Quarters

Cal and Skyler after music class, September 2016

There's a lot of new stuff coming Cal's way. Tomorrow we'll go to his primary school to buy his first school uniform - after these school holidays it's the home stretch! Last term at pre-school. And he's just started karate, which also requires a snazzy uniform of white kimono-style scrubs and a white belt. I thought the miniature kickboxing gloves were a bit much, but they assure us he'll need them very soon when he begins punching stuff.. Can't wait for that..

Cal, as usual, is looking forward to it all. Just like his Dad and unlike his Mum whose favourite hobby is sitting around imagining all possible future worst case scenarios. We spent the day at the primary school carnival the other day and he had a good chance to walk around the school, play on the equipment and see the kindy classrooms. The school grounds were full of rides, fairy-floss and toy stalls, which I carefully explained would not be there on a regular school day. Ha ha, I hope he was listening otherwise he's in for a rude shock.

It's September and the rapid switch from winter to summer that passes for spring here is well underway. Cal is suddenly starting to talk a lot about sports, how Australian. He does a brilliant impersonation of the sports coach at pre-school and likes to make up his own sports games at home and in the park. Today he designed a circuit workout for me on the exercise equipment out the front of North Sydney library. He told me that he would watch from the bench and that I could call him if I needed any help.

Tonight as I was kissing him goodnight he told me that when he grows up he wants to be a writer. He said he can't wait to grow up, because being so tall will be so, so fun.

Five will be here before we know it.


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